神聖契約盤主要概念源自於心理占星 12 原型與榮格心理學,對應到現實生命旅程的各種面向。從心理學家卡洛琳密絲女士 (CarolineMyss)的觀點來看,神聖契約是出生以前就簽訂,每個人都有專屬自己在此世的神聖契約(Sacred Contracts),內容包含你的靈魂在這一生需要學習和穿越的生命課題。於是以榮格的原型概念設計一副漂亮精緻的原型卡(Archetype Cards),並將其應用在心理治療上。
Your Sacred Contracts are the contracts you made before you incarnated is this lifetime to have the personality traits, or archetypes that make you who you are. Your archetypes are the reason you see the world the way you do. They are why you believe as you do, feel the way you do and are motivated how you are. They are behind the patterns that keep emerging in your life. Why did you choose your particular contracts? So that you can experience what you need to experience in order to evolve.
Your sacred contracts permeate every part of your life and who you are in relationships. Some of those relationships are life long and some may seem like a chance meeting, but they were all agreed to by you and the other souls involved to manifest in this lifetime for your benefit and growth. When you realize that you chose your parents, children, siblings, lovers and friends for a particular experience and growth opportunity, you can forgive easily, because you ultimately realize that there is nothing to forgive.
Discovering and understanding your sacred contracts gives you a clear picture of what works for you and what does not. To understand your archetypes is to get a clear picture of your chosen path, to see that you are in fact beautifully whole and powerful and to give up the resistance and let yourself choose the higher path in every situation, making your life flow with ease, instead of struggle. It is like being given the User's Manual to your life.
------from The Mandala Coach---------
**今天終於認識了神聖契約盤,在老師這裡進行了一段時間的療癒,我逐漸的更了解自己,對這次神聖契約盤的解讀,有些期待甚至懷疑它還能告訴我什麼? 當老師一一為我解讀之後,我很驚訝也很開心,驚訝的是那些原型真的精準呈現過去30年來的我,開心的是後段有關最大潛能的原型部份,卻與現在的我非常貼近....很感謝老師這段日子以來在療癒上的引導,讓我突破過去的原型束縛,正確地走在我生命潛能的路上,我享受到追求夢想的踏實,並從未想放棄夢想....
**做完後,整體感覺可以簡單用一個詞表達: "微妙"... 真的是一整個很微妙的感覺...問我準不準...我個人並不會用準或不準來形容, 而是出現的內容, 直覺地讓我願意相信它.....
我只能說: 這個體驗讓我用從來沒想過的角度來了解我自己 , 是一個很好又有趣,而且比較有系統的方式來了解自己..我曾經這麼問過自己: 真的了解自己嗎? 原本肯定的答案, 經過這次體驗後,卻會重新思考一次, 並有了新的收穫...原本迷惑的選擇, 經過這一次解讀之後,對於目標的選擇以及應該如何做, 竟然很清楚地出現在自己眼前!這是一種以前從未有過的愉快, 雖然誠實面對自己有時是一種很殘酷的考驗,但是用這種方式, 其實還頗爽的...XD 這些感覺, 其實不太好用現有的文字或是語言來表達, 但可以很確定的是, 這真的是一趟很值得的自我探索的心靈旅程, 謝謝你!